Exceptional customer service is an aspect of business ownership that people know is important but it can quickly fall to the wayside once things get busy. It’s easy to get wrapped up in constantly trying to get more customers but your current customers also need to feel taken care of.
Many business owners toss aside what happens to a person after they become a customer because they think they are “done” with that person but I try and think about it from a different perspective.
The truth is that your current customers can be one of your most valuable assets to your business if you treat them right.
In today’s post, we share why customer service is so important for your business as well as tips for providing excellent customer service.
Think back to a time when you experienced the best customer service. Maybe it was with one of your favorite brands or maybe it was at a local shop in your city.
Remember how it made you feel? Of course you do. You may even remember the time of year, what you were wearing, who you were with.
Exceptional customer service experiences is what sticks out to people because it’s so rare.
On the other hand, horrible customer service experience is also what sticks out to people because people are prone to remember the negative of a situation.
This is where social media can be amazing yet terrifying because one great customer review on social media can send you sky high while one horrible customer review will send you into the depths of despair.
Tip: Make your customer service experience so good that they can’t forget you.
In today’s world, it can seem like everyone is just out for themselves and the ultimate goal is to continuously make more money at any cost.
While there are certainly people like that, there are brands and businesses out there that do truly care about their customers and that will help you stand out from the crowd.
People like to be cared for, and when they are buying a product or service they expect to be cared for if they have a problem or question.
Tip: Show your customers how you care for them by being available if they have questions.
It’s hard to build trust with a new audience. As I mentioned above, many people are still weary of investing their hard earned money into a product or service because of negative experiences they’ve had in the past.
Delivering excellent customer service can help you build trust and loyalty quicker than if you offer mediocre service.
If you deliver poor quality customer service, you can bet that your reputation will quickly go to the gutter.
Tip: Deliver high-quality customer service to build up a positive reputation in your industry.
Isn’t it sad that delivering exemplary customer service makes you stand out? Shouldn’t we all strive to deliver knock your socks off customer service?
Unfortunately (or fortunately, depending on how you look at it!) not everyone strives to deliver the best customer service but that doesn’t mean you don’t have to.
No matter what industry you’re in, you will have competitors. One small thing you can do to stand out from them is to offer the best customer service.
Tip: Consider how you can stand out from your competitors with your customer service.
Word of mouth advertising is the best
Even though we live in the digital age, word of mouth advertising is still the best referral.
Word of mouth advertising has morphed into more than just speaking with your bestfriend about a new product you purchased.
Word of mouth now happens online. Social media, online reviews, forwarded emails…the list goes on.
There is no price tag on word of mouth advertising because it’s priceless for your business. People are more likely to listen to suggestions from a friend than you sending a cold email to a potential customer.
Great customer service will create a community of raving fans that will sell your products or services for you, without you having to ask. Is there anything better than that?
Tip: Encourage your customers to share their experiences with their network of people to increase word of mouth referrals.
It will lead to better partnerships / collaborations
The more your customers, readers, and clients love you and support you, the better partnerships and collaborations can come your way.
Once people see how well you take care of your customers, they’ll want to do work with you. It says a lot about a business when they deeply care about their customers.
Potential partners will want to work with you because they’ll already know you have integrity and an irreplaceable connection with your customers.
Tip: Think of the long term effects great customer service can offer to your business.
Here are just a few ways you can start offering exceptional customer service. Get creative, think outside the box, and remember to have fun!
– Highlight your customers on social media/email newsletters (we started doing this and have received a lot of positive feedback!)
– Be thoughtful in your responses, listen to your customers carefully before responding.
– Respond in a timely manner.
– Know your customers. Try to remember their names or even something unique about them.
– Take ownership of your mistakes.
– Go the extra mile to delight them (think of ways you can surprise them).
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